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Say Buh- Bye To Dry Flaky Winter Skin with the Derma Roller

2 min read

If you have googled and clicked on this, you must be in the dead of winter. 
And we’re guessing it can’t be good… Whilst there’s so much to love about winter… chunky knits, hairy legs, cheeky glasses of Pinot by an open fire there comes a point where you can no longer escape it.

We’re talking, dry, flaky, dull and dehydrated skin. 


There is no way to avoid Winter skin (unless you have plans to migrate hemispheres for a few months, in which case, please can we come with you)… but there are some things you ca do to keep the dryness at bay. 

Hydrate Yourself, not just your skin. 

This is a no brainer and probably shouldn’t even be on the list but we cant stress enough how much water/hydration should be going into your body, even (especially) in winter. 


Whatever your normal intake is, add another glass (250 mls) to it. 

If you just cant face another glass of water in the day, look for Green Tea (or any herbal tea) Fresh Juices (green ones, not ones with tropical umbrellas and tequila in them) or a glass of hot water with fresh lemon/ or mint. 
Think of yourself as a houseplant, the more water and sunshine you get, the better you look and feel.

Turn Down The Heat In The Shower
 A steaming hot shower is the antidote to most bad winter days (especially after being caught in a downpour) but super steamy showers can actually dehydrate the skin ( I know, I’m not a fan of this theory either) 
Showering with body oils is a great way to add some nourishment to your skin and if you are lucky might even give you a little glow (even if it is fluorescent ) 
Exfoliate away dead skin with a scrub containing Coconut or Argan Oil (we love Frank Body Coffee Scrub) and follow up with a full slather of moisturiser after your shower or bath. 

Switch Out Your Cleansers

Switch the foaming cleanser for something more nourishing and hydrating. Foaming cleansers are fab in summer when its oil overload, however in winter they can be a little drying and strip the skin of precious oils.

Gel cleansers and oil cleansers (yes, oil cleansers are actually amazing and if you haven’t used one try starting with something really gentle like the Dermalogica Pre Cleanse or Clarins Pure Melt Cleanser.

Get Rolling

Use your Micro Glow Derma Roller weekly (twice if you are up for it) to assist with creating the perfect conditions to add hydration to the skin. Derma Rolling works by creating teeny tiny micro channels that puncture the skin.

We already know that some studies show that Derma Rolling increases the effectiveness of skin care products like serums and boosters like by up to 40% so get rolling and then get hydrating with Hyualronic Acids and brightening boosters.

Full discolsure, we are fans of Derma Rolling all year round but there is something deeply satisfying about Derma Rolling Winter Skin away and maintaining a glow in the middle of July.


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