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Derma Roller FAQ's

Derma Rolling (sometimes known as Micro Needling) is an at home skincare treatment designed to help with everything from hyperpigmentation and dull skin to fine lines and acne scars. Here are some of the most commonly asked questions we get about Derma Rolling & Micro Needling.

Derma Rolling is a process that involves using veeeeeeeery fine needles to puncture thousands of tiny holes into the skin for the purpose of rejuvenation (sounds painful, it’s really not) The most popular type of device is known as a Derma Roller and is made up of hundreds (540 to be exact) micro fine needles that are around 2.5mm. These tiny pin pricks gently penetrate the skin surface to kick start collagen production, more on that in a moment…

Derma Rolling works by encouraging your skin to make more collagen.  By using the derma roller and it army of tiny needles, you are causing a slight injury to the skin. The skin responds by repairing itself and making new collagen-rich tissue that is more even in tone and texture.  What skin conditions does Derma Rolling work on?Derma Rolling treats everything from wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and dull skin to fine lines and acne scars. 

You will feel a slight tingle when using the roller (remember you are gently rolling the needles over your skin)  After you are done, your face might feel hot, just like sunburn. If you have sensitive skin, you may feel slightly sore after. Because Micro Needling is non invasive, there is no downtime.  We suggest you Derma Roll in the evening and apply your nightly skin care routine (don’t apply make up immediately after Derma Rolling) 

The most common side effect is minor skin irritation (it will feel like sunburn for most people) You might also seem some redness for a few days.  If you are are pregnant or have certain skin conditions (like eczema of psoriasis) or have open wounds/scars you should consult your doctor before Derma Rolling.

This will largely depend on your skin, how sensitive it is to treatments and if you are already treating your skin with other procedures.  After using the derma roller for the first time you will get an understanding to how your skin reacts to this treatment.  We recommend starting with using your derma roller once a week and if your skin is up for it, increasing to twice a week after building up your routine.  We do not recommend using your Derma Roller daily. 

The tiny punctures holes from the needles create “micro channels” that allow your skincare products to penetrate and absorb into the deeper layers of skin to deliver more powerful results.  Studies  have shown that Serums can be up to 40% more effective after Micro Needling.Post Derma Rolling skin care should be about hydration (not drying) so make sure you use something like a Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Vitamin C or a luxe facial oil ( like ourPost Derma Roller Serum)

Avoid Retinoids and physical exfoliators.  And the sun (of course) 

The Micro Glow Derma Roller is made from high quality medical grade  Titanium and is perfectly safe to use if you follow our instructions and don’t have any skin conditions like eczema, active acne or psoriasis. Micro Glow is listed with the TGA  which means our product meets Australian standards. 

If you are Derma Rolling at home we recommend you use the 0.3mm Derma Roller, anything bigger and you should be seeing a professional. 

The Micro Glow Derma Roller is designed to be used around 13-15 times. Which works out to be around $3 per use. 

No, please don’t share your Derma Roller with anyone. 

We recommend avoiding all types of Retinol after Derma Rolling and stick to nourishing, hydrating serums and essences.

Yes you can! The Micro Glow Derma Roller falls into the Category 7 (other) when it comes to recycling.


We ship daily from Melbourne so you should receive your items within 5-7 business days.

Yes, absolutely. As soon as your order is dispatched you will receive an email with an Australia Post Tracking link

We have a strict returns policy due to hygiene reasons. We accept returns on faulty and unopened items.